I should mention that during my drive I leaned I would be going to Manchester, UK to do some racing on Nov. 15th! Which meant, hurry up and get settled, back on the bike, focused and ready to get on a flight and race well!...I'm feeling pretty good and looking forward to it. So back on the ball:
Coming into town:

I could relate to this dog!

I was actually finally there!

Headed up to Nederland:

Look up and across the water...that is where I live!

Driving up to the house...


back deck

so after rolling in yesterday I went spinning with Renee for an hour

and of course what would a bike ride be without seeing a moose!

and later Renee introduced me to Foxy!...we have a friendly Fox!!!!

Yes, that is foxy coming in the house...

this fox found a total sucker in Renee, who feeds it hamburger meat balls! So great!

After an amzing nights sleep I jumped in the Cross group ride out of Boulder this morn and WOW was it a great time! When I say cross group ride that means 40+ riders in cross gear roll up for some fun. The ride consists of everyone bundled up for the cold morning rolling off, we get to venue one(some park) and everyone just drops there bikes and starts stripping layers, water bottles, gear, etc. Piles of stuff are left in a location and we are off to do a recon lap (this will let us know what the loop is! Then line up....ready set go...and everyone takes off race start style onto the loop! We did a handful of loops and then everyone gathered at their piles of stuff again. Layers back on, pockets stuffed, jackets zipped and off to the next venue (another park) where we repeat the process! Then I joined a few of the guys for a loop they call Poor man's loop...it was pretty cool, up the mt a bit onto a sweet dirt road that gets kinda steep...at least for someone who just drove 25hrs...but I made it around and back into town for a bit more of a spin and overall a great first morning in Boulder!
Now I'm at a coffee shop writing this. I just booked my flight to Manchester and it is time to go do some domestic things...market for food, laundry, finish unpacking, things of the sort...yipee!